
Insights, evidence and case studies on the case for change, promising practices and new solutions.

Summary of Rethinking Assessment’s submission to the Curriculum & Assessment Review in England cover

Summary of Rethinking Assessment’s submission to the Curriculum & Assessment Review in England

Rethinking Assessment submission to the Curriculum & Assessment Review, November 2024...
Resisting the Tyranny of the Urgent cover

Resisting the Tyranny of the Urgent

The Academies for Character and Excellence are challenging the conventional focus on assessment and emphasising a holistic approach to student development, integrating character education and academic success. Discover how this innovative perspective is reshaping the future of learning and assessment....
Building a Comprehensive School Quality Dashboard: KPIs and Metrics for Success cover

Building a Comprehensive School Quality Dashboard: KPIs and Metrics for Success

The move towards School Report Cards is a significant opportunity to create a more comprehensive and inclusive education system. Schools can highlight their strengths, address areas of improvement, and engage stakeholders effectively by using a wider range of KPIs....
Exploring the Design and Implementation of Learner Profiles in England (Part Two) cover

Exploring the Design and Implementation of Learner Profiles in England (Part Two)

New findings on learner profiles in England. Our research with HFL Education schools in Hertfordshire highlights innovative approaches to holistic student assessment, embedding teaching and assessment of collaboration into teaching and learning....
Exploring the Design and Implementation of Learner Profiles in England (Part One) cover

Exploring the Design and Implementation of Learner Profiles in England (Part One)

New findings on learner profiles in England. Our research with schools in Hertfordshire, Doncaster, Greater Manchester, and London reveals innovative approaches to holistic student assessment. Dive into our findings and explore new ways to recognise student achievements beyond grades....
What’s on the horizon for GCSEs and 14-16 assessments? cover

What’s on the horizon for GCSEs and 14-16 assessments?

Rethinking Assessment takes a look at what awarding bodies in England are doing in preparation for the curriculum and assessment review...
The inequity of exams: why schools are not the same as markets cover

The inequity of exams: why schools are not the same as markets

Exams, grades, league tables, Ofsted reports. All of them miss the point of school and together they are undermining our whole approach to education. In this blog Sammy Wright gives us an insight into some of the key themes in his new book, Exam Nation, published today....
Balanced Scorecards: Towards Broader and Better Measures of School Success cover

Balanced Scorecards: Towards Broader and Better Measures of School Success

In this new discussion paper we explore how the concept of a Balanced Scorecard could be developed and implemented to provide a more comprehensive and equitable view of success, and empower school and college leaders to lead change in their settings and communities....
The power of digital badging in modern education cover

The power of digital badging in modern education

Graeme Lawrie, Director of Partnerships at ACS, explains how digital badges, which are revolutionising the way achievements are recognised in education, will be introduced at ACS this September – with plans to expand to partner schools next year....
Creative Thinking in the Curriculum: Spotlight on KS3 History at the Sele School cover

Creative Thinking in the Curriculum: Spotlight on KS3 History at the Sele School

Find out how the Sele School, a mixed non-selective mainstream secondary school located in Hertfordshire, partnered with Rethinking Assessment and ACER UK to embed creative thinking into their KS3 History curriculum....
Creative Thinking in the Curriculum: Spotlight on Lonsdale Community Special School cover

Creative Thinking in the Curriculum: Spotlight on Lonsdale Community Special School

Find out how Lonsdale School, a Community Special School located in Stevenage, partnered with Rethinking Assessment and ACER to embed creative thinking into their KS2 and KS3 Science curriculum....
Creative Thinking in the Curriculum: Spotlight on KS3 History at the Sele School cover

Putting Creative Thinking at the core of the English School Curriculum. What would it take?

Rethinking Assesment and ACER UK launch exploratory study looking at the feasibility and benefits of integrating creative thinking into the English national curriculum...
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